Improved Decision-
making in schools

Leveraging Data Monitoring
& Visualization in Mumbai, Maharashtra

In 2019, EdIndia partnered with Education Department at the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), Maharashtra to conduct a comprehensive analysis of academic and administrative data across 632 Mumbai schools. The objective was to analyse and make recommendations on 25 “Nikash” parameters, which included 20 learning parameters and 5 administrative parameters.

To streamline the process, Edindia developed an advanced ERP-based data collection tool and a real-time dashboard for monitoring of all the parameters at one place. Data Visualization provided the Education Department valuable insights into school-level progress, performance, and areas of intervention. The findings also influenced administrative decisions in Mumbai schools.

Improved Decision-making in schools
  • Strategic teacher training was designed for specific teachers to enhance students’ learning outcomes in their classrooms.
  • A ranking system was implemented to compare school performance and determine areas requiring intervention.
  • The generated school report cards proved invaluable to the officials. Insights aided in generating recommendations for supervisory officials, highlighting specific learning objectives where students required support within their respective areas.
  • Open-source content was also tagged to recommendations for teachers to be able to address the student learning gap better.
Improved Decision-making in schools
Improved Decision-making in schools

Know more about our Data Analytics Support Program for Administrators enabling decision-making based on data-driven insights